UPDATE 11/09/24: Folks, despite what the sky looks like now, all indications are that it is going to be a cloudy mess this evening and tonight. We hate to do it, but we are CANCELLING the star party for tonight. As yucky as that it, it is worse to go ahead and have guests show up for nothing. Fingers crossed for better conditions in December!
Please join us at the Rec Hall parking area for an evening of astronomical observations with visual telescopes, Electronically-Assisted scopes and monitors, and just looking up with our eyes!
Family-friendly, accessible, and guaranteed awesome! You do not need to bring a telescope – the BAS has all the gear!
Note: BAS events are free to all.
Basic information for the November 9, 2024, Harrison Bay Star Party:
Sunset: 5:39 pm
Moon: First Quarter, 51%.
Set-Up: 4:00-5:00 pm
Guest Arrival: 5:00 pm
Deep Sky: Lots of late summer and fall targets.
Planets: Saturn
The nature of these events means they are weather-dependent. Updates posted between 12:00 and 1:00 pm.