The Barnard Astronomical Society of Chattanooga is 501c3 organization for amateur and professional astronomers as well as anyone interested in astronomy.

Our goals are to further education and the love of Astronomy in our community. At monthly meetings, members or special guests give presentations that range from picking a beginner telescope to how to sketch galaxies seen in a telescope. Presentations are streamed live and are available on our YouTube channel.

Public star parties (many telescopes set up to view the stars) are held the first and second Saturday of each month.

Our public meetings are held at UTC’s Clarence T. Jones Observatory on Brainerd Road in Chattanooga, Tennessee, at 7:00 PM on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

Items with the BAS logo are now available at our on-line store.

For those interested in more involvement, membership dues are minimal and include a monthly club newsletter and a quarterly newsletter from the Astronomical League.


BAS members will provide telescopes and viewing opportunities for your organization or school event.

Star Parties

BAS provides two public star parties each month where the public can see the stars and find out about the hobby. What to expect .


.. coming soon.. BAS has getting started tutorials for visual observing, binocular observing, and help you choosing and setting up of a telescope.

Who We Are

History, Constitution, and By-Laws of the organization.

What We Do

Calendar and Upcoming Events.

Join Us Today

Click Here to Join the BAS today!


Current Observing Conditions

Provided by Astrospheric

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