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Membership in BAS
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Use PayPal or bring a check or cash to a Barnard Astronomical Society of Chattanooga Meeting. If you would like to mail a check, please email us at [email protected].
Membership Definitions
Regular or Regular-Associate Membership: applicant must be 16 years of age or over. A Regular-Associate applicant must be a member of a Regular member’s family. Both of these classes of membership shall have voting rights.
Junior or Junior-Associate Membership: applicant must be under 16 years of age. A Junior- Associate applicant must be a member of a Regular or Junior member’s family. Neither Junior class of membership has voting rights.
Included with Regular and Junior Memberships are the following:
- A subscription to the monthly issue of The BARNARD STAR, the official newsletter of this Society.
- A subscription to the quarterly issue of The REFLECTOR (an $8.00 value), the official newsletter of the Astronomical League, to which this Society is affiliated.
- 10% discount on astronomy-related books at the Astronomical League Book Service.
- Observing awards for you as a member of the Astronomical League to work toward, promoting observing and the study of the sky.
- A discount on subscriptions to SKY & TELESCOPE magazine, the Society’s recommended reference source periodical.
- A discount on subscriptions to ASTRONOMY magazine, an excellent supplemental publication featuring popular astronomy-related articles.
Regular-Associate and Junior Associate members will not receive the first two subscriptions listed above, but will be eligible for the three discounts as described, above.
The Society also conducts Star Parties at various remote sites adjacent to the Chattanooga area at which a variety of telescopes are set up for viewing the wonders of the sky.
Monthly meetings, including a wide variety of astronomy related educational programs of topical interest, are held at UTC’s Clarence T. Jones Observatory on the second Thursday of each month. Social hour begins at 6:30 PM followed by the program and business meeting at 7:00 PM.
As a member of Barnard Astronomical Society, the discounts available to you more than pay for the cost of membership. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, whether you choose to join now or later.